Monday, April 11, 2005

Welcome to the Jungle

Well, all the IPv6 stuff is now in place. I managed to get everything up and running last week and tied all the pieces of the puzzle together. I think with a little more tweaking on the FreeBSD machine we should be able to allow others to set up tunnels for themselves. Need to work on a script for that. I won't have much time to play with anything until Thursday night, so it will have to wait till then.

In other news, I have spoken to two groups who plan on putting on Linux and in general, free software demos for a number of local schools and businesses in the Central New York area. One group is throwing a showcase together at the Syracuse Chamber of Commerce fair thing that is being held at the convention center in two weeks. A number of companies who already use or have successfully switched over to Linux are running the thing. The great thing about it is that all of them use either Fedora or Red Hat based distros. I suggested that I could perhaps play some sort of role and use this as a marketing event and they were delighted to hear that. There is one ISP that uses Debian though, and the guys there were pretty cool and wanted to help as well. They still think RPM is evil though.

The school group thing is pretty cool as well. They have already set up K12 LTSP at some schools in Albany and have gotten a flood of requests ever since to do the same at other schools, even as far away as Philadelphia. They already use Fedora as well and were also happy to here that I wanted to join their efforts. Another artists collaborative thing also uses Linux and wanted to put on something to show artists in the area the benefits of using FOSS. Definitely some good marketing opportunities.

I also need to figure out what, if any, sessions will be done at LinuxWorld in SF. The call for papers is already out and I think it would be a really good idea if we gave a session again. The last one was a spectacular success which drew the largest crowd out of any of the sessions given. If anyone wants to team up or has any ideas, please let me know as soon as possible. We have so many possibilities to talk about that we should at least start considering some as potential candidates versus other. Also thinking about another FUDCon in SF, maybe at Google HQ?